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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  October 7, 2011 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> democrats embracing the anticorporate protests at the jobless rate remains stuck at 9.1 percent. are they playing with fire? welcome, everyone, i am here for neil cavuto in "your world," with more and more democrats supporting the wall street protests. protests that have been growing increasingly violent. >> what we are seeing on the streets of new york is an expression that democracy. >> my message is, your presence is making a difference. >> something in this land is happening. i call it the american awakening. the occupation of wall street. >> god bless them for their spontaneousness, young, spontaneous. >> protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.
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>> should democrats be nervous? they are targeting job creation with the anticorporate message as the unemployment rate is staying alarmingly high at 9.1 percent for a third month in a row. new, reports that the protests could be turning off moderate middle class voters. more on that in a minute but, first, peter barnes is crunching the job numbers, 9.1 percent and staying elevated. >>reporter: as an economist put it today, reports of the economic recovery demise are exaggerated but the economic recovery is limping along. wall street was looking for 60,000 new jobs last in and the report came in with 103,000 and big upward revisions for july and august, 99,000 more jobs than previously reported. but, at 70,000 if you jobs on average a month for the last few months, the economy is still not creating anywhere near enough
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jobs to start pulling down the unemployment rate significantly and was stuck at 9.1 percent for the third month in a row. >> the jobs report was not a disaster but no real hope. if we stick with the current set of policies we will bump along like this for another year, for sure. >> the white house agreed that the report was not good enough and said it was more evidence that congress should pass the president's $450 billion jobs bill. >> what the president said yesterday was that we should pass the american jobs act both as an insurance policy against even the prospect of this committee stalling out or going into, god forbid, a double dip recession. >> now, if you are looking for a job here are sectors that added workers last in: health care, 44,000; construction up 26,000; professional and technical
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services up 24,000. but state and logical governments cut more jobs in september, down 34,000. manufacturing was done, down 13,000. >> the wall street protester could have an impact on voters with aides saying moderate middle class swing voters could be getting turned off. and now, the more the mob-like it gets the worse it could be for democrats, director of the university of virginia center for politics. looks more and more like a mob but you say, larry, that is bad for the swing voter. >>guest: well, you remember the old saying, be careful about riding the tiger, you could end up inside. what democrats should be doing here is keeping this at arms length for the time being. they ought to encourage the young people and the others who are gathering in the cities, to undertake conventional political
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tactics. support candidates. go door-to-door. make contributions. do the things in politics that make our system work. there is a real danger here and we are seeing it as things spin out of criminal in some places, that the moderate swing voters will get turned off just as they have done during other movements like this in the past. >> larry, we have heard nancy pelosi today saying god please the protesters, they are grandson roots. is this a mistake by the democrats? >>guest: it could turn into a mistake if this goes in the wrong direction. what the democrats are doing obviously is trying to keep them on their side. because they are upset about the state of economy, the high unemployment rate. well, gee, who is in powerst what was elected in 2008? so, they want to make sure that the focus of the demonstrators is not policed on the democratic
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party. but they are ignoring the broader political picture, forgetting about the critical moderate swing voters that will determine the winners in november of 2008. >> listen to cantor and the responsibility genetic canne, the white house spokesman, open the mob like atmosphere around these protesters. >> i am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying wall street and the other cities across the country. >> i remember mr. cantor described protests by the tea party. and i don't understand why one man's mob is another man's democracy. >> larry? >>guest: well, democracy in action comes in many forms. i would say to the extent that either group went beyond the bounds that is a bad thing. and has been bad thing. but, the question, is, where did
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the family go? into conventional politics. where do the wrong people and others protesting? into conventional politics. i have not heard the democrats encouraging them to do so. >> thank you, larry. as protests expand nation-wide, reports now that some of the protesters could be getting paid to she up. take a look at this. >> are you paying them? >> some of them are volunteers. some of them aren't. i cannot identify them. i will in the get into identification situation. >> a reporter broke that story. michelle, he said some of them are. some of them aren't. what did he mean? >>guest: well, i am actually not sure. i think he was maybe just scared to say that all them were being paid. i'm not sure. but it seems no one has the story straight. >> and did i read somewhere, was that your report, that some of the protesters were paid? some were hispanics in they spoke only spanish, and they did
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not speak english and holding signs written in english that they could not tell you what the signs said? >>guest: exactly, many of them could not speak english and i started speaking to them in spanish and they were holding up signs, the protest signs that were in english but they could not read it in english. >> so, we took a sound bite from your report. let our audience listen to this. and you can weigh in after this. >> (speaking spanish). >> what was he saying and what were you asking? >> i was trying to clear up their relationship to the man that was organized this protest. and some of them said that they were hired by him and that was their boss. others said this whole group was organized through the church. so it seems like no one has the
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step straight which made it very suspicious so i finally questioned him and he says that, yes, some of them were paid. >> so, that was the gentleman that you spoke to at the beginning, he was the one who was hiring those people. did you find out who he was with? >>guest: yes, he worked for an advocacy group in washington, dc, working to support rent criminal. >> what was his point being there? was he --. >>guest: advocating for more represent control and advocating for wall street to give back their money. >> good ahead, he was looking for more hand outs? more support from the government? pointing the finger at wall street? i'm not sure what it is. >>guest: i wish i could explain. >> which is it? >>guest: i western i could explain what they were advocating for but it wasn't really clear. they cannot articulate. the hispanics could not
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articulate to me the reason they were there which is what made this suspicious. >> thank you very much, michelle. and, then, there is this. >> god bless them for their ton -- spontaneousness, it is young, spontaneous, focused, and it will be effective. >> house democrat leader praising the wall street protests. not too long ago they said this about the tea party. >> this initiative is funded by the high end, we call it "ask your person," by some of the wealthiest people in america. you be the judge. you be the judge. >> so, god bless you if you rally to spend more but you are astroturf if you want to bring in big government. and now, is there a double standard here? what do you make of this, of
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nancy pelosi saying god bless you to the wall street protesters. >>guest: i am not surprised, is anyone surprised nancy people slow a hypocrite? first she called, saying we have a lot in common with the tea party. there is aging hippies rubbing oil on themselves and praying to the gods of peter, paul, and mary to take out the tea party movement, and it is not. >> is this the antitea party? >> these are a bunch of disaffected kids who cannot get jobs, they are totally unhappy, and the unions are in there, throwing money to use them to get the jobs bill passed which is another big government spending that will never, ever, help the kids. >> why are you unions involved? >> one reason and one reason only: money. the union bosses like to fill their coffer. the jobs pill is stimulus repackaged under another name. and that will put huge monies into union jobs.
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forced union states and the money will they back to the big union bosses and not one of their workers will get anything. >> tell us the difference between grass roots organic and astroturf when pelosi called the tea party astroturf. >>guest: very dangerous to think of her mind, these are the warmed over hippies like nancy pelosi from the 60's and they do not like people like me, the middle class americans, stole their playbook. we want back to the 60's and studied radicals, the democratic socialists and we did it for good. >> putting them side-by-side on the right you have tea party gatherings and ill-be honest if you listen to some of the sound, you hear usa chanted in the background, sicking patriotic songs and on the left, look what you have. mob uprising, civil unrest, people being arrested.
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i don't see cops arresting people on the right side of the screen. only on the left side. >>guest: these kids were raised on mao being call or better than washington and franklin. that is the truth. second, if you look at this, this is revolution. for us, a return to the constitution. to free markets. to job creation. and that means all individuals are protected equallily and they want bizarre material equality. why should i work to give you something? i will be one that doesn't work. ridiculous. >> down with capitalism. what does the tea party think capitalism? >> i am a free market warrior. >> thank you are have were. we are down because they are way down, the president blaming europe for america's pain right new and european parliament member has heard enough.
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>> did you hear this? >> is a strong enough a republican party to beat this president? >> absolutely, strong enough to beat both of us. >> my guest could not agree with vice president biden, firm g.o.p. presidential candidate huckabee joins us. were you surprised he said that? >>guest: sometimes joe biden is too honest. it was an honest and accurate statement. it is not a statement that a political consultant would say, yes, tell everyone we are vulnerable but they are vulnerable, and i appreciate biden for having the candor to say yes, we could be beaten. it is true. >> was he trying to lower the expectation. >>governor huckabee: i think joe biden is genuinely a decent
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human being and i think he wants to tell the truth and sometimes he cannot hope himself. in this case, he was being more truthful than he was political. i found it refreshing. but i have a feeling that his staff is getting a good dressing down from the white house staff this afternoon. >> the unemployment rate was released and we saw for the third month in a row 9.1 percent, granted the economy create add few jobs but if you take out verizon, this were 58,000 jobs created and nothing last month, so, this economy is not producing jobs that we need. >>governor huckabee: if this were an airplane the engine is stalled and only one thing happens when the engine stalls: you start a spin to the ground. i am saying we are in a spin but this is a president who owns this economy whether he wants to admit it or not. he told us, you pass this stimulus bill the unemployment rate will go down below 8
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percent and never go back up and it is not near 8 percent. we with love an 8 percent unemployment figure. he is in trouble. because the economy has been mismanaged. >> and, now, one of the candidates that has moved up in the polls since florida is herman cain with interesting tax plans, some you like, some you don't. take a listen to what he said a couple of days ago with neil cavuto. >> 9 percent sales tax and 9 percent corporate tax, and i like 9-9-9. >>guest: you do not pay the sales tax on used homes and used cars think what will that did to unblock that inventory they have in used homes that is opening up a bigger market for new homes. >> what do you thing of that? >>governor huckabee: i am a fair tax guy and i think the best way for us to get revenue is to assess revenue at the point of consumption. not at the point productivity. we need more productivity. not less.
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we should not punish and penalize the productivity that creates the economy. >> wasn't herman cain on the fair tax bandwagon for a while? >>governor huckabee: he is. he realizes that it is hard to explain the fair tax in a presidential election. and so what he is saying, and i have heard him say it publicly, he still is a fair tax guy. that is where he wants to go but the immediate step is the 9-9-9 and fragly that is appealing to people because it is simple. people want a simplified tax code not the 67,000 pages of code that no one understands. and it is killing us because we spend so were time complying with tax code rather than producing something. in fact, estimated half a trillion, $500 billion a year just complying with the tax code >> rubio told us this week he was not interested in a vice president spot if asked. would you be? >>governor huckabee: right now it is not something i am
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thinking about or anyone else. all i considered was running for president and i decided not to do that. it is way too early to talk about number two. let's get a number one guy picked. >> you said it is october, already, and your show, 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. >>governor huckabee: herman cain. jon huntsman and more. >> europe is slammed with downgrades and the president is blaming europe's problems for our own and european parliament member has heard newspaper. stay tuned. we know a place where tossing and turning
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>> republican leaders and presidential candidates taking a break from the economy to put focus on values. carl cameron is there with the latest. >>carl: there is a lot of talk about the economy and jobs and the talking is critical of president obama, the failed principles and values of the obama administration but talking social issues with 3,000 christian conservatives here in washington, dc, for the values and voter conference. today we heard from rick perry, and he made a spirited defense of his commitment to secure the border if elected president but did not talk in a great degree about the immigration position which he supported providing in-state tuition critics to illegal immigrants in texas. he then turned to his lifelong commitment to the culture of life, and suggested there were some candidates in the republican race who have not been pro life all their lives, a
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reference to mitt romney. here you go. >> some candidates pro life is an election year slogan, to physical the prevailing political wind. to me, it is about the absolute principle that every human being is entitled to life. >>carl: abortion politics are important here at this summit. early today, rick santorum the former pennsylvania senator brought his family out on stage to talk about his commitment to the culture of life and attacked, presumably, mitt romney for changing positions as governor of massachusetts and a senate candidate in the state. >> don't you want a president that is comfortable in their shoes talking about the issues? don't you want a president would by virtue of the fact of would they are, i have never put social issues and value issues on the back burner. >>carl: romney will speak to the group tomorrow, he has been in south carolina giving a junior foreign policy speech at
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south carolina military college, and romney outlined eight thing these will do in the first 100 some days of the administration, to improve national security. and went at great pains so say he will be a againster of the united states like the commander in chief currently has come up short. >> the united states will apply the full spectrum of hard and soft power to influence events before they are erupting into conflict. the united states should always retain military supremacy to deter would be aggression and to defend our allies and ourselves. >>carl: he will speak to the conference tomorrow and later today we will hear from michele bachmann and gingrich, and herman cain and the conservatives will have an opportunity to weigh in on the performance of the candidates. herman cain won the last one, a blow to rick perry. >> thank you, carl cameron.
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the euro price is mounting at credit rating agencies are downgrading italy and spain, taking a hit, along with 12 u.k. banks but what is happening over there, is that to blame for our struggling economy here? >> biggest head wind the american economy is facing right now is uncertainty about europe. >> reaction now from a member of the european parliament, joining me now from brussels. i heard that yesterday, i said, boy, it was, blame bush for a long time but now it is blame europe. >> well, in which case don't come to europe. europe is here because they are treat, a debt debt with more debt because they are trying to take more power from the central bank, more regulation, more attacks on the banks. if you want to help europe do not send us money sort out the problems in the united states. get on top of your debt problem. we need the united states to be successful and strong. >> you see the protests and last
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summer, there were protests in greece and roasts in london square, but you no there are protests over here. does that look like what you went through a year ago there? >>guest: well, if you try and take accrued benefits away they do not like it. that is not to say it is not right but you have to accept there will be some people who object. the great thing in the united states, is that unlike in europe you have counter demonstrations on the other side, people demanding less entitlements, lower taxes and lower spending. that gives me hope. the american people have always been wiser than their leaders. >> how bad is it? germany, we hear will bail out greece problems and now italy and spain, are you getting, is the continent getting --. >>guest: it is calamity. beyond bad here. greece will default in the next month and certain let by the end of this year.
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and the eurozone will try and keep the single currency together because they have so much politically invested in this pregnant. in order to do that they have to burr this extraordinary sum of $2 trillion euros which is off the scale of previous borrowing. in other words, having gotten into the mess because we were spending too much and we were not able to meet our liabilities, we assume huge new liabilities burdening our children with the debt 9 like of which has never been run up before if human history. you are not going to cure the patient by giving him more of the medicine that made him ill. >> you mention $3 trillion or $4 trillion and that, rather, that is euros translating into $5 trillion or $6 trillion here and the united states is $14 trillion in debt and greg each year. are we on the same path as europe? >>guest: well, i think so, but from your perspective you are not so far advanced.
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and there are many more opportunities to turn off before it becomes truly catastrophic. but the same bake problem is there, the government is not living in its means, and even some your leaders are talking about balancing the budget in 20 years. we did not have that luxury. the world will turn interest a very much colder and darker police if the united states and western europe are if longer the dominant powers but that is what looks like it will happen. >> give us a one sentence piece of advice to either president obama or the g.o.p. candidate, whoever that might be. >>guest: stop printing money. start living in your means. the best thing that reagan said in a crowded field of good reagan quotes when he was told the deficit was too big, he said it is big enough to look after itself, meaning if i cut taxes
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today the growth will lock after the deficit problem. that is what we have did do get out of the private sector both and that means being pro business. >> thank you, new rationing fears taking hold. find out why. standing with tea party, after gibson guitar c.e.o. strike as sour note. [ male announcer ] do you know how you will react when someone changes lanes without warning?
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>> putting cost over care, a panel of experts recommending the obama administration emphasize costs effectiveness rather than breadth of coverage for implementing a key part of the health care law. and that translates into rationing. doctor, you have said this but here it is. what is new? what did we learn? >>guest: they are actually putting the rubber to the road. we see the head of the institute of medicine panel, a pathologies, that is a problem. how come he is involved and his panel in deciding what is clinically effective? and politicians, hhs, will interpret this? and decide what is cost effective? what is a good outcome? i have a practicing practice and it is hard to know. outcome analysis? what will be excluded --. >> we will focus in on that. that is important. cost effectiveness, if it is
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expensive and it may cure you but if it is too expensive you may not get the care. >>guest: exactly, we are headed in the direction personalized medicine, so what works for eric will not work for mark. so if it is very expensive treatment, that only works for and you not for me we are talking genes i can predict what disease you will come down with or what i will get. that is not going to be something to cover by insurance of the insurance is based on after overuse principle that everyone gets access and in to sigh the doctor but now they of watering it down, and, also, they will exclude essential services when they define what health care is. >>ism is probably not going to be coughed because it is a social service. wheelchairs. how do you decide that? i call cataract operations preventive medicine because if i take them out someone does not fall and break a hip. there is no way a federal bureaucrat will be able to figure that out. >> didn't we know this was coming? >>guest: yes, but what frightens me, the institute of
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medicine which is a regal body always doing reports and study on medicine should net be involved to this. they do not have this expertise to make the determinations. we will end up like canada, where if you want something for your health you need to wake three months. high technology, incredibly impressive treatments, and intervention. we need to pay for that. this will get rid of that. >> at the value voter summit, herman cain is speaking right new. this he is. he is the at podium and he survived cancer. what would happen with obamacare. he was 15. now, and he contracted cancer. >>guest: he made a point about that at a debate but the biggest problem, the treatments that are coming down the pike, vaccines against cancer, specialized treatment, that is something you cannot get unless you are very rich. so, herman cain maybe could afford it but others will not be able to and that is tragic.
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he may not be alive today. >> thank you very much. they raided, they got raided. and now they are rallying not for the government but, rather, for gibson guitar c.e.o. but, first, node a job? need not apply what lawmakers are trying to do to help out of work job seekers on the hunt.
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>> you lose your job and you cannot get a job because you do not have a job. that is the reality for many. some lawmakers are trying to change that. >> you her the saying it is easier to get a job if you have a job. proof surfaced on the internet. in the form of dozens of want ads saying specifically the police the employer is look willing only to hire someone already employed. that is called "unemployment discrimination," and they are writing up bills and proposing a law here in chicago city hall. >> it is not just for people laid off but about people trying to re-enter the work force, seniors that have had issues with their pensions, or, with a dip in the market and having to go back in the workforce. people returning from the wars.
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>> they state we it creates a class of unemployable people but now the other side the debate, this was spearheaded by the national employment law project which could only produce about 150 examples of such discrimination weighed against throw million ads posted each month on the internet. critics of the legislation say this could create a new protected class and create unintended consequences. >> if the legislation is passed it could end up reventing ememployers from hiring because they are scared if they do not give someone the job they will be sued for discrimination against the unemployed. >> all the concern and the press is more spin that substance and the end result could be more government regulation. >> thank you, mike. in the meantime, after the raid, the rally. tea party is planning to rally in support of gibson guitar on saturday. the group says the guitar maker is a victim of the
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"extraordinary abusive power by federal agents." the gibson c.e.o. joins me. henry, before we get to the rally refresh our audience, what exactly was the investigation about when they raided you? >>guest: well, we have been raided twice. and the first time it was about wood from africa. guitar finger borders, specifically. the second time, it was guitar finger boards from india. >> what are they sayingst because you are importing this, it is wood from trees that are endangered? what is wrong with importing the wood from africa? >>guest: the issue is a law called the lacy act saying can you not basically break the law of a country you source from. so the government's position has been that the wood that we
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bought was illegal, in the law, by law, in india and by law in africa. >> you contend the reason you were raided is you are a nonunion shop? >>guest: well, we are, we did not know why, we have done everything legally and we have affidavits from both the indian government and the madagascar government that the exported wood we bought is legal. >> are there other guitar companies union or not importing this wood? >>guest: i would say every guitar company, yes, uses rosewood finger boards great india and ebony and most guitar companies have purchased from madagascar. >> are they being raided? >>guest: they are not being raided. >> are they union?
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>> in some cases yes; in some cases no. >> tell us about the tea party? they want to rally in support of your company. will you attend? >>guest: i am going to attend. they have asked me to play guitar. so, i will be there. >> what did he want did do? what do you want to talk about? what do you want people to know, tomorrow morning or afternoon in nashville? >>guest: well, we just want to throw light on this totally unfair situation where our company, gibson guitar, is being selectively persecuted and we hope to raise public awareness and hopefully that public awareness and support will translate interest legislative action. >> thank you very much, c.e.o. of gibson guitar. thank you, sir. >>guest: thank you very much. >> he helped us capture bin
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laden and now high could be put to death. next, the man who says if the doctor goes down america's funding to pakistan should dry up. . the clear fuel economy leader over camry hybrid. kimberly? the fusion hybrid holds a 10 mile per gallon advantage in the city over the toyota camry hybrid. uh... that's not good. i would like 10 more miles.
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>> we are getting word the man who helped the c.i.a. track down bin laden could be on the fast track to major trouble. not with the united states. but with pakistan. pakistani leaders are looking to charge the man with treason, a crime punishable by death. my guest says it is time to take a close look at how much money we give pakistan. president of the center for security policy joins us. frank, take us through this. this gentleman helped the c.i.a. track down bin laden and now he is in the hot seat. he could be tried for treason in
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pakistan? >>guest: well, that is what they are telling us. george w. bush when president shortly after 9/11 said you are either with us or you are against us. friend or foe. and unfortunately, that was not actually enforced and we get not only from the pakistanis but from the saudis and others, a lot what could be double games. what this trial represents, i believe, is a degree of clarity of where pakistan now is. it is increasingly adherent to the program, the totalitarian ideology of pakistan and they must lie to us, they must seek our defeat and they must try to get us to submit, make us feel subdued. and under these circumstances where they are telling their own people that cooperating with us is a crime, it is treason, that
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at the least we have to condition forward aid on corrective action being taken. this is clearly unacceptable. >> corrective action in what respect? >>guest: well, they have to pull back from where they are headed now, which is increasingly causing their people to view us as the enemy not as their ally; not as folks who are helping to underwrite a lot development in their country and, otherwise, hoping to him improve the quality of their lives. you can't continue to play the double game. you cannot reward bad behavior without expecting to get more of it and the kind of bad behavior that we're now seeing out pakistan is going to get americans and, perhaps, a last other people killed. why think it is where a lot pakistanis want to go to force them to submit to this and it is not someplace we should, you know, continue to turn a blind eye to. >> look at the numbers, 2008, $2
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billion, $2009 $3 billion. 2010, $4 billion in direct aid to pakistan. what does end day say of the aid? >> they are quite properly concerned. they are hoping we're keeping tabs on what is being done with the money and not turning a blind eye to bad behavior including behavior by the intelligence services of pakistan which not only are ringing operations against us as the outgoing chairman of the joint chiefs of staff made clear the other day, but, also, they are running terrorist operations against india, association i think our natural ally in the rejohn, a democratic state that is pro, at least, democracy, and, i think, has a measure of the rule of law and freedom and has a lot to fear itself from this business, that is getting short shrift and we are at risk of putting a blind eye to their enemies. >> thank you very were.
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fox news turning 15 and everyone is joining the party. there's only one bottle left ! i've got to tell susie !
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the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the nding machine... already filled. . ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of the country's largest petrochemical operation. ♪ when emerson takes up the challenge, "it's never been done before" simply becomes consider it solved. emerson. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> eric: it's our 15th anniversary here at fox. lots of people wanted to wish neil the very best. >> happy 15th anniversary. it's hard to believe. it goes so quickly. 15 years and there will be at least another 40. just keep up the good work. your show is great. >> hi, neil. congratulations on 15 years at fox. i was thinking today about you. and there are a lot of things i like about you. you let me come on and talk about health when you have no interest in the health stuff i
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talk about at all. >> hi, neil. 15 years goes by in a hurry, don't it, buddy? you always got consolation knowing you're a whole lot younger than i am. congratulations to you. congratulations to fox. watch you all the time, buddy. >> to my friend, cavuto and everyone at the fox news channel. congratulations on 15 anniversary. >> congratulations on 15 great years at fox news. i take most of the credit for this. supporting you, pumping up your salary, making you look like a hero and then roger went out and jumped all over it. we're so lucky. fox is so lucky that you've had these 15 years. i'm proud to know you and proud as hell to take credit for finding you. thanks a lot. >> ♪ if you love neil cavuto, clap your hands ♪ ♪ if you love neil cavuto, clap your hands ♪ neil, to, neil, i think you're wonderful.
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i want to say happy anniversary. 15 years on fox. you know i adore you. and i love you more than fried chicken! [ cheers & applause ] >> eric: neil, we love you. i love you more than fried chicken, too. okay, so yesterday, i ran from here to join the guys on "the five" over there. during a commercial break. but not today. today, we're going to do it live. grab a camera deon, help me out here, my man. getting rid of this, the tie. we're good? we're good? c'mon, let's go. captioned by closed captioning services, inc


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